About Allies

The Allies Approach

In the mid 1990's, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) became interested in the community coalition approach for controlling asthma in low-income, minority neighborhoods. A National Program Office (NPO) at the University of Michigan School of Public Health was established to administer the Allies program and provide technical assistance to selected coalitions, and in 1999, the NPO, in concert with the Allies Against Asthma National Advisory Committee, released a call for proposals to known coalitions, health care institutions, health departments, community and voluntary organizations, and other organizations interested in asthma and children's health.

The goals of the program were to support select coalitions across the nation to:

  • reduce hospital admissions, emergency room visits, and missed school days
  • enhance the quality of life of children with asthma
  • develop a sustainable strategy for asthma management in the community






About Allies






Why Pediatric Asthma



A Coalition Approach



The Allies Approach



Coalition Support

    Nat'l Program Office



  Nat'l Advisory Committee